Sunday, March 16, 2008

Eating Disorders, Latin America

While in Buenos Aires, I was challenged with body image because there is a heavy emphasis on maintaining one's figure. Culturally, it is very distinct than the United States. Of course, Argentines do eat healthier portions and walk more, but it was more than that...something was not right. I had heard random statistics of eating disorders, but had never read anything trustworthy. And finally on BBCmundo there is an article about eating disorders in Latin America! For those of you who read Spanish, here is the link:

The author speaks of women in Argentina (and now other places) taking anti-hunger drugs on a regular basis. These drugs, filled with amphetamines, sedatives, laxatives, diuretics and hormones, wreck women's bodies. My family was very healthy, therefore I was never directly affected by the use of anti-hunger drugs, but I knew others who were. The association of the fight against anorexia and bulimia (ALUBA) quotes that 1 in 10 Argentine girls have some sort of eating disorder. 1:10. That is incredible. Why more in Latin America? The answer must be more complex than differences in eating cultures. If I find answers, I'll let you know.

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