Tuesday, January 13, 2009

January: things I think are just great

Things I think are just great:

** Year in Review: found here:

A great way to make fun, creative, unique, practical goals for the coming year. From my experience, best when done with a good friend.

** Thai Massage

Last Sunday I attended a free Thai Massage event to kick off the career of a new masseuse. Thai massage is a unique form of massage that employs various Buddhist meditation and yoga principles. The masseuse uses different stretching techniques on the client to release tension and bring a sense of mental and physical peace. As a viewer, this form of massage is graceful and beautiful as the masseuse uses his/her whole body to release tension in the client. I was lucky enough to receive a massage from one of Chicago’s finest masseuses, and I would highly, highly recommend this form of massage if you’d like to treat yourself. Edgewater’s Yoga Now now hosts Blake , who is also a well-respected masseuse.

** NPR Song-a-Day

I am slowly becoming a radio addict. Now, on top of desiring a land line and a New York times delivered each morning to my door, I want to listen to the radio constantly. I found myself sitting drinking tea next to the radio over my Christmas vacation. Furthermore, I was introduced to excellent music through Song-a-Day – check it out!!