Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Breathe in the positive energy...

In September, the concept of energy entered my life primarily through two sources: my spiritual director and... yoga. *laugh. I feel so cheesy saying it, but it’s true! I cannot justify it scientifically, nor biblically, but from what I have observed and experienced, I believe that energy has a deep impact on how we feel physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Tonight it all came together for me in a very beautiful picture. Let me explain.

BMH. My spiritual director filters her thoughts before speaking, sometimes stopping mid-sentence to say, “Oo. That’s negative energy. I won’t say that.” Or she’ll gently and humorously chide me for promoting negative energy in things I say or ways I act. Such language threw me off for the first few weeks of getting to know her; I had never used such terms or concepts. However, I have found that she’s right: what I say regarding a subject or a person really does infiltrate the space with an energy, either healing and growth inspiring, or negative.

Yoga. For those of you who haven’t tried yoga, its root is in breathing patterns with the goal of bringing energy to the body through strength, flexibility and balance, as well as focusing and relaxing the mind. During some exercises, one is encouraged to visualize inhaling positive energy, and exhaling negative energy and stress. (This is nothing new; any how-to-relieve-stress will advise breathing deeply.) The more I practice yoga, the more I am cognizant of the negative energy stores in my body, and how my body feels when they are released and filled with positive energy. Although slight, the difference is definitely noted.

Tonight. Taking that deep breathing idea... Tonight I was with a group of women who were encouraging one another. I noticed multiple times that when particularly encouraging words hit an individual, she would take a deep breath and exhale slowly. It was like a yoga breath. It was as if she was inhaling the positive energy, the words of affirmation and hope, and exhaling the fears, lies and insecurities. The image of these deep breaths of renewal is beautiful to me.

Tonight’s experience tied it all together for me. There IS some dimension of energy of which we are not immediately aware, but it is reality. In our personal spaces, in our words, in our bodies, in our thoughts. I think the concept of “energy” is tossed out in the lingo of new-agers, but give it a chance. Pay attention for a few days – to words, to spaces, to how your body feels, to deep breathing...

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