Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Simplicity Part I: Priorities

Like I mentioned in my last entry, Kila Leufu stirred up many thoughts and struggles on the country-city girl in me. By request, here are some of my questions, struggles, and thoughts related to beauty and living simply...

PRIORITIES. More than once a week, I have to sit down with God and re-establish my priorities. My priority list usually looks like this: God, keeping myself healthy, family/close friendships, school, important responsibilities (in the past things like Capture, or sports teams, or an activity), and other people in my life. Within that list are levels of importance, and I often have to write out even those details. (I'm pretty organized and visual...haha.) Why do I have to be so concrete with my life? For some of you, this routine may seem boring and over-the-top, but I´ve found if I don't do this, my life gets pretty messy -- I get pretty messy, and then all else suffers. Because I forget to take care of myself, I become dependent on my own weak abilities instead of on God, I neglect relationships that are most important, and I waste time and energy (both of which are precious to me) on things that don't matter.

When we spoke with Sandra at Kila Leufu, I realized that she lives *so well* priority-wise, and I'm sure she never has to sit down with her journal and make lists. Why does she live well?? Because she understands that her responsibilities, her priorities, are given to her -- unlike me, she doesn't feel the need to go out and save the world; instead, she cares for the people God brings to her, and for the things she has been given -- the hostel, the farm, her daughters and husband.

How would that look in my life? What if I didn't go searching to save the world? What if I only cared for the people and things that God gives to me? I think I have more than enough...

More than that, her lifestyle is attractive because she isn't forced to choose priorities -- hers are very clear. Mine aren't as clear, so living well requires more energy. At least twice a week, I check in with my best friend to see we're choosing the right priorities. And sometimes, I have to make difficult decisions about where I invest time. It's exhausting sometimes!

With all that said... I'm challenged once again to ask God to prioritize my life, and to consider listening to Him instead of heading out on my own pride to save the world...

What are your priorities right now?? Where do they come from?? How are you living well??

1 comment:

ramblinwreck said...

did you ever think that her "choices" may seem easy because she doesn't really have any other choice. Not to say she isn't happy whwere she's at, but she can't exactly pick up and move somewhere else...I can definitely identify with alot of what you've said...I ask myself those questions at least 2 or 3 times a day (ps. it doesn't get any easier when you get out of college, lol). I think that the decisions we make are made all the harder by the amount of choices before us. let me know if you come to any new conclusions about life. =)