Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Seeking space...

Discoveries of the week:

** My superhero weakness is laughter. So if you want to defeat my physical strength, make me laugh really hard. I’ll be done.
** Growing up, saying “I’m bored” was the same as cussing. Mom told us it was a ridiculous word. I like that. She recognized that “boredom” was only space filled with potential creative inspiration. Some of my favorite, most beautiful, and fun moments have been born in boredom.
** Beautiful quote from C.G. Jung: “Self-knowledge. To this question there is a positive answer only when the individual is willing to fulfill the demands of rigorous self-examination and self-knowledge. If he does this, he will not only discover some important truths about himself but will also have gained a psychological advantage: he will have succeeded in deeming himself worthy of serious attention and sympathetic interest. He will have set his hand, as it were, to a declaration of his own human dignity…”
** I’ve been thinking a lot about space. Let me explain: I think each individual carries this essence that can be, in a way, felt. And this essence holds a person’s own greatness. And it takes up space. (That’s the only way I can express it…) Multiple times in life I’ve felt suffocated, like I had no space to let my greatness be… great. The other night, during a long conversation with a friend, I was reminded of all that I am, of all my dreams, and of all that I am capable. I left feeling empowered. confident. hopeful. And free. I want to do that -- to more intentionally speak with others so as to recognize their greatness, and to help them become aware of the space they have to be great.

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