Friday, May 4, 2007

Buenos Aires Slang

For those of you who speak Spanish, I want to give you a look into my Argentine slang. Disclaimer: These are not sentences I would normally say but I was trying to construct sentences with slang words... haha. It's translated below. Here you go:

¡Hola, negra! ¿Como andas? Che, recién estaba en bondi y vi un hombre lindo… estaba refuerte. ¡No! ¡Boluda! No hable con el. ¡Boluda! Había otro tipo con el, y el le dijo algo de su mujer… pero estaba confundida porque hablábamos de minas, y de un gato especifico. Que bajón. Pero el estaba refuerte. Bueno. Fui a un café y tome un cortado con dos facturas y una medialuna – era rebarato. Y tuvo buena onda. Pero había un tipo refeo que me dijo, “Gorda, ¡que linda sos!” Yo pensaba, “que feo sos.”

Che, ¿cómo están tus viejas? ¿Hablaste con ellos vos?

Escúchame una cosa – quiero comprarme unas zapatillas. Porque con la lluvia (un plomo ayer, ¿viste?) y con solo zapatos… es un lío. Bueno, tus nuevos zapatos te quedan bien. A ver… ¿qué más iba decirte? ¿Querés salir a bailar rock esta noche? O sé de una milonga -- ¡me cargás! ¿Salís a una milonga esta noche vos? ¡Mirá vos! Tal cual. Dale, si tenés ganas, ¿querés arreglarte y entonces encontrarnos para hacer un asado antes la milonga? O, qué sé yo, ¿ir a una parrilla? No quiero mas carne porque ya comí una milanesa pero comería pollo o algo. Ya compre fernet y Coca para después pero tengo fiaca… no quiero salir a bailar. Voy a quedarme en casa con las nenas y mi cuarto esta hecho un kilombo… necesito organizarme un poco.

Bueno, Ya esta. Listo. Nos vemos. Un besito.

Hi term of endearment! How are you? Hey, I was just on a bus and I saw this really cute guy… he was super attractive. No! (Boluda is like swearing, but not… it’s only used between really good friends, or calling someone a boludo/a would start a hardcore fight in the street. In this sense, it means, something like idiot, or… has the sense of, "of course not! How could you think that? That’s ridiculous!”) I didn’t talk with him! There was another guy with him, and he said something about his woman. (When guys call someone their “mujer” it means they’re either married or have been living together for a loooong time. A girlfriend is never a “mujer”.) But I was confused because they were talking about women, and one slut in particular. How annoying. But he was so cute. Well, anyway. I went to a café and drank a tiny coffee and had two pastries and a croissant – it was really cheap. And had a good atmosphere. But there was this ugly guy who said to me, “Gorda! How beautiful you are!” and I was thinking, “How ugly you are.” (Gorda or gordo is only used for someone you are dating.)

Hey, how are your parents? Have you talked with them?

Listen, I want to buy some gym shoes. Because with the rain (was so annoying and frustrating yesterday, you agree?) and with only my cute shoes… it was a mess. Hey, your new shoes look great on you! Let’s see… what else did I want to tell you? Do you want to go to a club with rock music tonight? Or I know of a place to tango… you’re kidding me! You’re going out to a milonga tonight? Look at you! (I can’t really translate tal cual… like a term of being even, of affirmation, of agreement with what the other person said.) Well, if you feel up for it, do you want to get ready and then meet up to barbeque before you go? Or… whatever… we can go out to a (restaurant where there’s tons of amazing argentine meat). I don’t want meat because I had a milanesa (argentine food… breaded steak) for lunch but I’ll get chicken or something. I already bought fernet (national cheap hard liquor of Argentina that is always mixed with Coke) and coke for after. But I don’t really feel like going out tonight. I’m going to stay home with the girls and my room is a mess… I have to catch up on life a bit.

Okay. That’s it. We’ll see each other soon. A kiss.

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